Honoring my Awakened Divine Masculine Twin Flame (You know who you are…)

Who ever said that the Divine Masculine Twin Flames aren’t awake????. My Divine Masculine certainly is, and has been for a long time….   I’ve written today’s post in deep honor and awe of my beloved Awakened Divine Masculine Twin Flame. ——-   🔥 He is the most amazing man 🔥 I was in awe […]

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Twin Flame Telepathy: Your Thoughts and Feelings, or your Twin Flames Feelings? (How to Tell!)

Twin Flame Telepathy

  Twin Flame Telepathy is real folks. It can often be hard to tell whether the current thoughts and feelings you’re having, are REALLY ‘Your’ thoughts and feelings. Or, your Twin Flame’s feelings. Talk about proof of strong Twin Flame Telepathic communication, between you…!. A quick personal story here.. “I nearly moved house, because my […]

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Trigger Warning: Are you hoping for a ‘Replacement Twin Flame’? Let’s discuss….

Replacement Twin Flame

How is your Twin Flame Journey going?  Are you hoping for a Replacement Twin Flame? The Twin Flame Journey can be challenging.  It is a about Love, but not the way we are used to it.  Twin Flame Love doesn’t follow normal relationship patterns or rules, but has a series of Twin Flame Stages instead. […]

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Twin Flame Synchronicities confirm your Twin Flame’s identity! Are you with a False Twin Flame..?

36 Twin Flame Synchronicities

True Twin Flame or False Twin Flame? As a Twin Flames, the Universe is constantly reminding you of your Twin Flame and your Twin Flame Journey.  It does this via Twin Flame Signs and and Twin Flame Synchronicities.   Synchronicities that tell you over and over again, who is your True Twin Flame.   Syncroncities that DON’T […]

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Twin Flame Expectation: Are your relationship expectations energetically repelling your Twin Flame?


Have you heard about the term ‘Expectation’ in relation to your Twin Flame union?  Did you know that any Twin Flame expectation you might have about a physical 3D relationship with your Twin, could be blocking exactly what you desire? [ This post is the first post in a 2-part series on Twin Flame expectations.  […]

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Twin Flame Connection: The day I discovered I was a Twin Flame…

Twin Flame Connection: Discovered I was a Twin Flame

The Twin Flame Connection is a Soul-based Connection.  One Soul living in Two bodies. When the time comes for your Soul to recognize the other part of itself in your Twin Flame, it is not a moment you will ever forget. Twin Flames have a spiritual connection The Twin Flame connection between you and your […]

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