Dear Twin Flames, Have you ever been interested in Twin Flame numerology or Twin Flame astrology? Desperately looking for information that will prove that you are a Twin Flame? Or, even better still, help you PROVE who is your Twin Flame? I know I have. (So keep smiling, you are in great company…!) In […]
Tips and Tools
Your Twin Flame Gifts: Have you discovered them? (Twin Flame Telepathy plus much more! )
Did you know that as a Twin Flame you have Twin Flame gifts? Twin Flame Telepathy is one of your many Twin Flame Gifts, but not your only one. Twin Flames are always energetically connected, and constantly communicating with each other in a variety of ways. Have you met your Twin Flame face-to-face and undergone […]
Got Twin Flame Insomnia? 9 ways to improve your Twin Flame Sleeping Patterns
Is Twin Flame insomnia something you are struggling with? Do you have erratic Sleeping Patterns? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Most Twin Flames have some sleeping challenges. Twin Flames experience rather a lot of transformational change going on in our bodies and minds, that happen at different times and stages of our Twin Flame Journey. […]
Change your view of Twin Flame Divine Timing! (3 Misconceptions that you need to drop)
What are your thoughts or beliefs around Divine Timing? [As a mindset and behavioral coach, it is very clear to me that a lot of the suffering of our Twin Flame Journey comes from what we THINK and how we have been taught to VIEW the world. If we can change those thoughts by adopting […]
Twin Flames! Are you stuck in Twin Flame Spiritual Ego? (What it is and how to get out of it!)
Are you stuck in the ‘hidden web’ of Twin Flame Spiritual Ego? Do you even know what Spiritual Ego it? Most people have never heard about Spiritual Ego, and are unaware that it can undermine your efforts to achieve Twin Flame Union. Today I want to talk about Spiritual Ego (or Spiritual Superiority) and how […]
Twin Flame Expectation: Are your relationship expectations energetically repelling your Twin Flame?
Have you heard about the term ‘Expectation’ in relation to your Twin Flame union? Did you know that any Twin Flame expectation you might have about a physical 3D relationship with your Twin, could be blocking exactly what you desire? [ This post is the first post in a 2-part series on Twin Flame expectations. […]
6 Ways to Thrive during COVID Separation – Twin Flame Style
Surviving separation from your Twin Flame can be hard at any time. Now it is even more so, as COVID-19 and enforced separation in many countries, has temporarily halted many Twin Flame re-unions and retriggered the ‘Separation Wound’ for many Twin Flames. Rather than resist against what is, or spiral into despair, trust in Divine […]
8 tips for staying sane during Twin Flame separation
If you have just entered Twin Flame separation, or been in Twin Flame separation for a while, trying to stay sane with all the emotions, fears, and worries bombarding you, can be tough. Twin Flame Separation Tips Here are my tips on how to stay sane during periods of Twin Flame separation: 1. Know it […]
How to recognize your Twin Flame? 4 Authentic Spiritual Twin Flame Signs (from a True Twin Flame)
Have you discovered yet who is your True Twin Flame? Do you understand the Twin Flame Signs? When you aren’t sure how to recognise your Twin Flame, it can be a bit confusing. Perhaps you might be 80% sure, but not yet 100% sure that you know who your Twin Flame is?. Unbelievably, there seem […]
How to actively use Divine Timing to see more of your Twin Flame…
Frustrated by Divine Timing? Did you know that you aren’t as powerless in your Twin Flame Journey as you might feel? When you know how to, you actually can work in co-creation with Divine Timing, and use it to your advantage in your Twin Flame connection. Lack of control over Divine Timing can be frustrating […]