Have you ever sat down and thought about the impact of Social Media on your Twin Flame Journey? As a Twin Flame, today’s social media tools can be a great way to get wonderful photos of your Twin Flame, and to look for synchronicities between your journeys. It can also, often unintentionally, be a […]
11 Reasons Why Twin Flame Relationship Dynamics are Different
“Twin Flame Relationships are a Relationship like no other”. Do you agree? Hang around your Twin Flame long enough, and you will ultimately discover all the ways in which Twin Flame Relationships Dynamics are different to any other type of relationship, you’ve experienced. The spiritual nature of the relationship plays a BIG, and often completely […]
Twin Flames! Are you stuck in Twin Flame Spiritual Ego? (What it is and how to get out of it!)
Are you stuck in the ‘hidden web’ of Twin Flame Spiritual Ego? Do you even know what Spiritual Ego it? Most people have never heard about Spiritual Ego, and are unaware that it can undermine your efforts to achieve Twin Flame Union. Today I want to talk about Spiritual Ego (or Spiritual Superiority) and how […]
How Expectations Can Cause A Twin Flame To Run and Ghost
** Nearly a year ago, I experienced very strongly some energetic energies around relationships expectations that made me want to run. I share this personal story to help other Twin Flames. ** [Note: This post is the second post in a 2-part series on Twin Flame Expectations. You can find the first post here… “Twin […]
Divine Feminine Twin Flames: Are you ‘guilty’ of impatience?
If you are the Divine Feminine Twin Flame, or the 1st awakened Twin Flame, one of your biggest lessons on this Twin Flame Journey is to learn patience. Twin Flame Union occurs in ‘Divine Timing’ rather than according to your own calendar. If you are like most 1st awakened Divine Feminines (DFs), you just want […]
Keep your Twin Flame Connection one of Unconditional Love
Your Twin Flame Connection is by its very nature, a very strong connection of unconditional love between yourself and your Twin Flame. You and your Twin Flame are always connected You and I both know you love your Twin Flame unconditionally – they are after all YOU. But, there are also times too, when you […]