Twin Flame Valentine

Any Twin Flame Valentine’s Day plans?  

Happy Valentine’s Day!  – My dear Twin Flame friends,


♥♥♥ How wonderful is it to have a whole day dedicated to LOVE.  ♥♥♥

LOVE in general, is such a fascinating topic that never seems to get old.  What is that saying? –  “Love is what makes the World go around”.


I hope you are making the most of the day and have some Valentines Day Plans?

Twin Flame Love and Self Love


Society celebrates Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. So, it’s great to have Valentine’s Day to celebrate and remember LOVE, too.

But really LOVE is something we should practice, each and every day, and all year long.

Love Heart

People talk about Romantic Love often.  (I know I’ve personally read over 10,000 books on the topic.)  But, Self love is also important on the Twin Flame Journey and rarely taught.

Self Love is an absolute MUST for Twin Flames.

Your Twin Flame won’t be able to fully love you in the 3D, until you love yourself completely, and are able to accept their love.

…..Otherwise, one of you is bound to do something to sabotage the relationship.

If you haven’t read it yet, you might want to review last year’s, Valentine’s Day article – “Twin Flames:  Self Love Comes First.



What are your Twin Flame Valentine’s Day plans?


Today on Valentine’s Day, what are you planning on doing to celebrate this auspicious day of  love?

Do you have something special planned for your Twin Flame?

  • Notes of LOVE in their lunch box ?
  • A surprise gift delivered to work?
  • A special dinner (in or out) planned for the two of you?
  • A beautiful card reminding them of your unique, special bond to each other as Twin Flames?

Do you have something special planned for yourself?

  • A relaxing bath?
  • A nice jog or swim after work?
  • Your favorite meal, cooked by someone else perhaps?
  • Or maybe just a replay of your favorite Romantic Comedy/Love story on TV?


Non-Physical 5D Valentine’s Day plans

Not able to physically touch your Twin Flame today?  (So, sorry to hear that…)

You can, of course, always send them love in a 5D way.

A loving 5D hug or a 5D kiss on the cheek, will always be felt and appreciated by your Twin Flame.


Love Letter





For those not yet in Physical Union, or those (temporarily) separated from your Twin Flame, there are still so many ways you can send love to your Twin Flame.

For example, if you don’t get to see your Twin Flame today, try writing them a wonderful love letter that you can show them sometime in the not to distant future.

Want some exciting LOVE news…..??!


Later this month (if my internet co-operates), I plan on releasing my newest course, which is all around Twin Flame Love.  What better time to launch than the 2nd Month of the Year 2022.  Gotta love all those ‘twos’.


So watch this space and subscribe to my newsletter if you haven’t already, to make sure you don’t miss out.  I will be  emailing out a ‘Early Bird Discount code’ when I launch.


I am so excited about this course, and know you will love it.  It is after all, jam packed with LOVE activities that you can do by yourself, and with your Twin Flame.

🔥🔥  The *NEW* Course is called “How to Create a Twin Flame Love Box …. and why you NEED one“.  🔥🔥

❤❤ Find out more at ❤❤


Ha Ha… I know what you are thinking!  (Maybe it is true, maybe it is not. My lips are sealed!)

Either way….What a lovely thought to focus on for the rest of the Valentine’s day!


Woo Hoo!


Happy Valentines’ Day.

Much Love,


Kristina. x


PS1. (If you haven’t seen any of my courses yet, you can find them here…..  My newest Twin Flame course will show at as soon as it is published.)

PS2. If you are feeling triggered today, this article on ‘Keeping your Twin Flame Connection one of Unconditional Love may help.

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