Have you ever thought about the impact that listening to a general online Twin Flame Reading may have upon your Twin Flame Union? I have, and it isn’t always good. Do I believe Twin Flame Readings can delay a Twin Flame union? Yes I do. Here is why… (Note: It took me a while to […]
Twin Flame Union
6 Ways to Support the Masculine Twin Flame Runner Awakening (aka 2nd Awakened Twin Flame)
Are you a first Awakened Twin Flame waiting for your 2nd Awakened Twin Flame to wake up? Or are you a 2nd Awakened Twin Fame who is just finding out about Twin Flames? Today’s blog post will benefit both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, as I explain how a Divine Feminine can support […]
Twin Flame Recognition: Six 3D Reasons Why Identifying Your Twin Flame Is Harder Than You Think
Divine Feminines: Are you 100% sure you’ve correctly identified your Twin Flame? Twin Flame Recognition and correctly identifying your Twin Flame is harder than you think. There are many Divine Feminines out there, who aren’t confident in their ability to recognize their Twin Flame. This usually occurs because they found out they were a Twin […]
How to Successfully Reunite with your Twin Flame (Warning: This is a process)
How Good does a Twin Flame Reunion sound? Are you ready and willing to find out how to successfully reunite with your Twin Flame? TRIGGER WARNING: If you are looking for a magic phrase that will achieve it instantly, then this blog post ISN’T for you. (FACT: There is no magic pill….in case you haven’t […]
11 Reasons Why Twin Flame Relationship Dynamics are Different
“Twin Flame Relationships are a Relationship like no other”. Do you agree? Hang around your Twin Flame long enough, and you will ultimately discover all the ways in which Twin Flame Relationships Dynamics are different to any other type of relationship, you’ve experienced. The spiritual nature of the relationship plays a BIG, and often completely […]
Change your view of Twin Flame Divine Timing! (3 Misconceptions that you need to drop)
What are your thoughts or beliefs around Divine Timing? [As a mindset and behavioral coach, it is very clear to me that a lot of the suffering of our Twin Flame Journey comes from what we THINK and how we have been taught to VIEW the world. If we can change those thoughts by adopting […]
Twin Flames! Are you stuck in Twin Flame Spiritual Ego? (What it is and how to get out of it!)
Are you stuck in the ‘hidden web’ of Twin Flame Spiritual Ego? Do you even know what Spiritual Ego it? Most people have never heard about Spiritual Ego, and are unaware that it can undermine your efforts to achieve Twin Flame Union. Today I want to talk about Spiritual Ego (or Spiritual Superiority) and how […]
How long does Twin Flame Reunion take? Well, it depends.
Are you eager for Twin Flame Reunion with your Twin Flame? One of the most commonly asked Twin Flame questions is ‘How long does it take to get to Twin Flame Reunion?‘ Everybody wants to get to Twin Flame Reunion quickly, but what if Twin Flame union is not the first goal for you and […]
Divine Feminine Twin Flames: Are you ‘guilty’ of impatience?
If you are the Divine Feminine Twin Flame, or the 1st awakened Twin Flame, one of your biggest lessons on this Twin Flame Journey is to learn patience. Twin Flame Union occurs in ‘Divine Timing’ rather than according to your own calendar. If you are like most 1st awakened Divine Feminines (DFs), you just want […]
Twin Flame Terminology: Runners, Chasers, DFs, DMs, and Mirrors… What does it mean?
Twin Flame Terminology is confusing. If you’ve recently discovered you are a Twin Flame, and are confused by all the terminology out there. Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Discovering you are a Twin Flame can be confusing! Twin Flames almost have a dictionary of their own. And most confusingly, many Twin Flame terms don’t mean […]