11 Reasons Why Twin Flame Relationship Dynamics are Different

“Twin Flame Relationships are a Relationship like no other”.  Do you agree? Hang around your Twin Flame long enough, and you will ultimately discover all the ways in which Twin Flame Relationships Dynamics are different to any other type of relationship, you’ve experienced. The spiritual nature of the relationship plays a BIG, and often completely […]

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How Expectations Can Cause A Twin Flame To Run and Ghost

** Nearly a year ago, I experienced very strongly some energetic energies around relationships expectations that made me want to run.  I share this personal story to help other Twin Flames. ** [Note: This post is the second post in a 2-part series on Twin Flame Expectations.  You can find the first post here… “Twin […]

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Twin Flame Expectation: Are your relationship expectations energetically repelling your Twin Flame?


Have you heard about the term ‘Expectation’ in relation to your Twin Flame union?  Did you know that any Twin Flame expectation you might have about a physical 3D relationship with your Twin, could be blocking exactly what you desire? [ This post is the first post in a 2-part series on Twin Flame expectations.  […]

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Twin Flame Terminology: Runners, Chasers, DFs, DMs, and Mirrors… What does it mean?

Twin Flame Terminology E-Course

Twin Flame Terminology is confusing.  If you’ve recently discovered you are a Twin Flame, and are confused by all the terminology out there.  Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Discovering you are a Twin Flame can be confusing! Twin Flames almost have a dictionary of their own.  And most confusingly, many Twin Flame terms  don’t mean […]

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